My glass catfish is actin strange?

I recently set up a 10 gallon tank that I let cycle got awhile with some baby guppies in it (4). I added some dwarf hair grass a few weeks ago to begin the process of turning the tank into an aquatic plant scape. I just purchased 3 mollies and a glass cat fish. one of them mollies will be returned since he is male and the other two mollies are female (females: spotted mollie and a balloon mollie) (male: black mollie) my glass cat has been acting strange. He sits near the surface and does nothing. Just sits there. I'm going to get him a friend when I return my male mollie this Thursday but I'm concerned why he is acting like this. he is very willing to eat and has a nice cave to hide in. I don't have many plants but I am working on saving up for some more real plants. My PH levels are fine and so is my ammonia. The cat is clear with no white or opaque coloring. Any ideas and will he be okay?


  • Glass catfish are very sensitive fish. Many, if not all , are wild caught. They need to be in a school of no less than 6. But a school of 10-15 is MUCH BETTER! They would need a tank no less then 30 gallons with plenty of decorations to hide around. A row of plants or other deco can be great as they often fell bold enough to hange out in front of the hiding places, as long as they have a safety zone to go to if the feel the need.

    Glass cats need a low ph. 6.5-7.0 theyare not the kind of fish that are likely to adjust to a different ph over time.

    Mollies get to 4-6 inches. these are rambunctious fish that will drive calme sedate fish like glass cats nuts. Mollies should be in at least a 30 gallon tank with some salt. Salt will kill the glass cats. Mollies need a higher Ph of 7.5 or so. The glass cats cant tolerate that.

    you need to return both species and consider something more suited for a ten gallon, like guppies!

  • Mollies need a 30 gal tank

    Glass catfish need to be in groups of really 5 or 6 and need a 25gal tank

    Glass catfish often stay near the surface of the tank , if he is eating then this is just natural behaviour

    But when glass catfish are not in groups they will stay in one place , sulk , not eat and become prone to disease before they die . My suggestion is you take all these fish back and get

    1 male betta ( fighting fish) not 2 or they will kill each other

    4-5 Khuli loaches


    3 guppies 2 female 1 male

    3-4 dwarf cory catfish

    Good luck with your new fish tank :)

  • the glass cat fish is a true schooling fish and needs to be therefore in a start up group of 5 to 6. if kept alone,it will shy away and rarely will thrive on its own as evidenced in the one you have. they prefer low lighted and densely planted tank set up. take away the mollies as they are inappropriate in your tank size. mollies grow to about 4 to 6 inches and is recommended in a 30 gallon brackish tank in order to reach full potential.

  • As the other answers are saying they are a schooling fish. I have 5 of them at around 10-12 cm long. Once they gain a little confidence they may interact a little with you ( mine do). They should be in a tank with other peaceful fish.To help them gain confidence keep to a routine with feeding and cleaning. Also the more you are up to your elbows in the tank the more they will tolerate disruption. They are supposed to be a medium hard fish to care for, but I find them them easy care. Good water. natural environment,a variety of good quality food and they will be healthy and problem free. At least 5 is needed to keep them happy.

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