Do ever blow your nose in public?

I get allergies and often need to blow my nose but realise that a lot of people think blowing your nose in public is gross. I don't see what the alternative is if your nose is really stuffed or runny.

What do you do?


  • Blow your nose, it is better than wiping and sniffing.

  • I know exactly what you mean.. I get allergies, and then in winter I always get colds. I don't know, I personally have to just blow my nose if it gets really bad. If I'm in public I try to do it less, but at some points you just have to. It totally does suck though.. I feel like people are judging me when I blow my nose in public. If there's a bathroom nearby, I'll duck in there to do it, but other than that I can't think of any alternatives. But you're not alone, buddy! :)

  • Anyone who thinks someone blowing their nose in public is unhygienic is either a hypocrite or completely unhygienic. It's either blow it into a hanky, let it run down onto your lips or be completely annoying and sit around sniffing. I'd much rather hear and see someone deal with it quickly than do nothing.

  • - well I rather be blowing it in a kleenex than wearing it.

    - & beside !

    - if U had 2 choose between blowing U're nose or farting, which 1 would U pick ?

    - both mite make noise, but 1 is safe while the other is more like cautioned in the wind, ha ha.

    - so the question becomes, would U rather be safe or make everyone around U gag ?

  • I do blow my nose in public on occasions, but in general I try to avoid doing it. Just make sure you have a proper handkerchief you can blow into, and always wash your hands after you've finished.

  • OF course! And who gives a shiat what the public thinks?

  • each and every from time to time I would desire to. i'm getting spring and fall allergic reactions and there is not a heck of a lot i can do approximately it. i attempt to be as quiet and discreet as achievable, yet needless to say it is not silent.

  • i dont see a problem with it

    but i prefer shooting snot rockets on my friends new shoes


  • i dnt but i will it t starts running

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