Favourite Axis Powers Hetalia Character?

I know you guys all have a favourite country-san~!

Now tell me who and WHY~!

My favourite country is Russia. He's so adorable and he's so cute when he stalks people. And, and, he's just the cutest character in the sense that he's so innocent, but he's still so evil at the same time.

Evil+Oblivious to his evilness= Hot, smexy and awesome~!


  • It's so so sooooo hard!!!! DX

    But I think I would have to say my favs are:

    Romano~~!!! (I love his obsession with tomatoes! and he's so amazingly tsundere~~!!! <333)

    Kiku~~!!!! (He's the otaku that's just soooo...... OMG!! I can't even explain how cute he is! He's also kinda a clutzy guy so... >///<)

    Arthur!!!! (Ooooh!!! You and your fairies!!!! You're another adorable tsundere~~!!)

    Alfred!!!!! (I love how he thinks he's the HERO! You're my hero!!! <333)

    OMG!!! They're all so kewt!! >3<;; It's a sin to be that amazingly loveable!!! But all of them are really cool! I also love Ivan too, he's runner ups along with Veneciano, Yao, and Gilbert!

    P.S. Does anybody else here obsess over ArthurxKiku??? I love that pairing! probably my fav along with AlfredxArthur and IvanxYao~!! >3< Oooh, and you know you guys like FrancisxEVERYBODY!!!! lolz

  • Haha, I love Russia too. I love his dual personalities: the twisted side, yet the cheery, carefree, childish side he pulls out as well.

    But I'm pretty much for Toris (Lithuania). We look alike, we share similar hobbies and he's pretty much awesome, although he gets abused on a daily basis.

  • I can't decide at ALL!

    I LOVE Lithuania! *Cause of his kindness*

    I LOVE Italy! *Who doesn't love the spaz?*

    I LOVE Russia! *It's all smiles until he brings out the faucet*

    ~Those are my top three right now, but I also fantasize over Romano(N. Italy), Poland, UK, America, and Korea!

    WAAAH! I can't stand this amount of fan-ism! It's killing me! XD

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