Dog Lipoma rupture?

Hey there, I took my dog to the vet on Friday to get her swollen toe check (broken nail). Everything ok on that. I mentioned to the vet about another lump on her belly. So she did a needle aspiration and cells came out as fat, so there's one more lipoma added to her file. So this evening while she was laying on her back I saw a big bruise on her belly, the red part is surrounding the actual lipoma. I'm concerned about the lipoma rupture or something. I'll call the vet office tomorrow morning and ask what is this. I just wanted to see if someone here have any similar situation or have an idea of what is going on. Any thoughts are greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

P.S. dog is happy as usual no change on her eating habits or activity level.


  • Agree with the others that this is likely to be a small blood vessel rupture from the needle aspiration. It should go down within a day or so, if not get back to the vets.

    Glad the toe nail has healed completely.

  • That's just a bruise. Lipomas are literally globs of fat, and don't rupture. Don't worry!

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