Business Trainee-ship VS Real Estate Trainee-ship?

Just wondering on your thought about a Business Trainee-ship VS Real Estate Trainee-ship. I am unsure which option would be best for me to study as i am currently working for a Real Estate but I am unsure if it would be a wise move to only be trained in Real Estate? Instead of going for a Business Trainee-ship.

Some Pros & Cons would be great :)

Please Help!!


  • If you already have some knowledge in RE, go for the Business trainee, as you will gain more overall knowledge. With the RE only option, you will be trained in that field only.

  • in case you have already have been given some features in RE, decide for the corporate trainee, as you will get carry of extra desirable finished features. With the RE maximum efficient option, you would be knowledgeable in that discipline maximum efficient.

  • Take the job that pays.

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