Halidol Dosage?

My 90 year old Mother has been suffering from dementia and paranoia for some time. She get's aggresive and assaultive at times. The nursing home has treated her with Halidol and Valium. What is the proper dosage of Haliudol for an 80 lb. person? I know little of this drug. Thanks for any help.


  • If you mean Haldol then:

    Recommended dosage



    Moderate Symptoms

    The usual dosage is 1 to 6 milligrams daily. This amount should be divided into 2 or 3 smaller doses.

    Severe Symptoms

    The usual dosage is 6 to 15 milligrams daily, divided into 2 or 3 smaller doses.

  • Haldol is a psychotropic drug. It is used for many things, mainly behavior type problems in mentally retarded & mentally ill folks.It has shown to be of a positive help in treating dementia due to the behaviors shown in this area. Unfortunately long term use can show severe side effects known as tardif dyskanesia but they are incidental to the benefit it may produce. Unfortunately I can't tell you a correct dose in this particualar case as doses given for those that I spoke of were of very high capacity. Your MD would know the answer to that.......

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