How fast do snails travel?



I'm only trying to work out how long it will take them to get back from the bottom of the garden. So much for putting this in zoology!


  • Snails move by contracting and stretching the body, and despite producing mucus to reduce friction, the typical speed for an adult snail (known in biology as Helix Locurum) is 1 millimetre per second.

    I don't think the ones at the bottom of your garden will be back any time soon.

  • Like lightning

  • as fast as a snail

  • I eat the little b*ggers. So they travel pretty quick when they see me coming

  • Twice half their velocity

  • probably not very fast at all? as is the way with most snails!.....just plain lazy!! gaaaaaaaaaaawd!!! why dont you just time one then? mardy bum!

  • tell you what you can do.. get a radar gun and see how fast they go man that will be kool

  • a million miles a hour, you just cant see them

  • It depends if they're flying over the hedge or not.

  • very fast if they were stuck to the underside of an aeroplane!

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