Algebra word problem help?

On a 225 mile trip Eddie traveled an average speed of 70 mph got a speeding ticket and then traveled at 60 mph for the remainder of the trip. If the entire trip took 4.5 hour and the speeding ticket stop took 30 minutes how long did Eddie speed before getting stopped?

Can some one show me how to solve this


  • Alright, I will make up some other numbers and show you how to solve the problem. Then you will be able to solve it with your numbers; just set up the problem the same way.

    On a 300 mile trip Eddie traveled an average speed of 80 mph got a speeding ticket and then traveled at 60 mph for the remainder of the trip. If the entire trip took 5 hours and the speeding ticket stop took 20 minutes how long did Eddie speed before getting stopped?

    Step 1 Convert hours into minutes. 1 hour = 60 minutes, so 5 x 60 = 300 minutes

    Step 2 Eliminate time Eddie was not actually traveling. 300 - 20 = 280 minutes

    Step 3 Figure out the difference between the two speeds.

    60 miles per hour is 1 mile per minute. Miles are calculated at an decrease of 1/6 of a minute for every additional 10 mph, so 80 is 1 mile per 4/6 (2/3) of a minute. The difference is 1/3, so .333 is the difference between 60 and 80 mph.

    Step 4 It takes Eddie 280 minutes to travel 300 miles. The easiest way to finish this problem is to base the whole trip off the smallest number and set it up like this;

    If he traveled the speed limit, 60, he should have taken 300 minutes because 60 mph = 1 mpm.

    300 - 280 = 20 This time the same time he spent getting a ticket. Not always.

    1 minute divided by 1/3 = 3

    280 - (20 x 3) = 220 miles at speed limit.

    The (20 x 3) is your time speeding.

  • look up speed time distance problems

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