Inappropriate videos?

Is it appropriate to put a video on facebook of a real man getting shot in the head and killed and then showing it in slow motion when there's a very good chance kids will see it.


I would never post such a video anywhere much less than on facebook, but my son's best friend's dad did, and when I confronted him about it I've gotten nothing but flack from him, some of his friends, and even my own son, so I'm here to see if maybe I'm overreacting or if my confronting him was justified. I believe the latter.


  • It is far worse then merely "inappropriate." It is downright disgusting, vulgar, and obscene.

    Have a polite day.

    Etiquette takes over where laws end.

  • No, that's morbid and disgusting, and I didn't think Facebook allowed that sort of thing seeing as they're quite strict on nudity. You had every right to tell this guy how inappropriate it was if your son could view the material, and if his attitude is that he sees no problem with it, then i'd make sure your son can't view this guys profile from now on as he clearly has no limits on what's appropriate and what isn't. Revolting.

  • Yeah, I don't think its actually legal to ever show anyone actually dying

  • all you may do is bypass on youtube, and sort in each and every rap artist you may think of of they have the works!! (eating, club scene, 0.5 bare females, drug use, violence, profanity)

  • Do not put that on fb children will find it somehow

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