Is a complete Democracy true freedom?

Or is a totalitarian Democracy just tyranny by the majority? If the simple majority votes then they can control everyone and everything. Socrates was killed for speaking out against Athens.


  • Just mob rule. Better to just skip the bullsh*t and grab the clubs. Cheaper than an election anyway.

  • Every form of government, including democracy, is oppressive in some way. The only true freedom is anarchy. The problem with that is anarchy won't survive for long because eventually the strongest will take over and form a government which will favor them, and oppress everyone else.

  • Tyranny of the majority - democracy works best when more than two parties are fully involved in the process (beyond election).

  • the true American form of government was meant to be a constitutional republic not a democracy, or anything else. Democracy means mob rule. 51% of the people rule the other 49%.

  • A complete democracy, with true freedom, requires an education at the level that we have yet to achieve.

    people need to learn how to think, so they aren't convinced by irrational ideas like party loyalty.

  • No, it's mob rule.

    In a complete democracy 51% can vote away the rights of the other 49%.

  • No, a democracy is not "true" freedom.

    If a system enables someone to make decisions for you that you do not agree with, you are not truly free. Engagement in the system would have to be voluntary and offer the ability to opt-out. Otherwise it is a form of oppression.

  • Yes, it would be tyranny of the majority. That seems to be the way we are heading these days. More and more people are ignoring the Constitution and simply entrusting elected officials to do "what is best" according to the majority.

  • A complete democracy is anarchy, not true freedom.

  • The only true freedom you have is the freedom to fight for the freedom you won't give up.

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