Do you think this makes you political?

Do you think "picking a side" and then endlessly bashing the other "side" over anything and everything makes you educated in politics?

You'd think we'd progress a little more if we try to see eye to eye on some things and agree to disagree on others. Instead, the gist of "politics" are "You're a mean,selfish Conservative jerk" and "You're a lying, hippie Lib"


  • Good way to put it.

    It's too bad our congressmen act like the people on here do. I try to be as mature as I can while respectfully disagreeing with the other side. Sometimes I am mature and other times I get a little out of line.

    I have my opinions and I am entitled to them as is everyone else to theirs.

    Charro- What the hell are you talking about?

    I'm a former liberal, and I understand what the liberals want. They want to help out society by progressive policies because they feel that the private sector won't help everyone.

    It is okay to disagree with liberal policies, as I do, however it is pathetic when one's ideology closes their mind and causes them to hate the other side as you do.

    I very respectfully disagree with liberal policies; not because they're "evil" but because I see things a different way.

  • Honestly speaking, its very immature and pathetic.

    I'm 17, so I can hide behind the fact that its okay for me to be immature and stick to one side and endlessly bash and name-call the other, but when I have people in their late 30s and 40s joining me, it says a thing or two about the crazy and dirty world of politics.

  • for their very own political motives of path. they are truly scraping the backside this time to return up with In.a.hollow and his 40 adult males. against a consensus of over 200 international locations, 3000 plus scientists that proved AGW replaced into led to by utilising the emission of CO2 and different pollution by utilising the burning of fossilised gasoline. With adult males like Inahole in the Congress or Senate, there's no ask your self that usa of america is going down the chute.

  • This is more of a side effect of a question/answer site being used as a forum, unable to address and readdress issues (gets people frusterated), thus more often than not it serves as a means to have others critic your argument or claim that one plans on presenting on other forums.

    This is what I do anyways.

  • Great question. You've stated it better than I could ever. To be literal: No, bashing the other side only makes one weak and is proof of their vulnerability. We're all guilty of it once in a while, but constant bashing is proof of idiocy.

  • Actually that makes you look idiotic.

    I've been a liberal and a conservative in my life (now a true moderate, I'm just getting sick of both sides) and I've seen it all. There are many intelligent liberals/conservatives/libertarians/etc..., no need for the name calling.

    Have a respectful debate like they do at the Yale Political Union.


    Charro: You're an idiot.

  • Wow, the first two to answer said it all. Sometimes, like tonight, it seems all Y/A is is a playground for immature, insulting bullies.

  • Yes - very good- I needed that laugh, thanks! I to wish we could simmer down and talk policy and facts. I to get carried away at times.

    Sorry libs!

  • How can you reason with people who are as hopelessly evil as the democrats. You can't reason with them. They don't believe in good only what is in it for them, not for the good of the country. Money here money there, programs here and there, keeping people from achieving, always wanting to please Europe, always wanting to have a dialogue with people/groups who want nothing but the eradication of the US, always wanting to take hard working Americans money and give it to those who choose to be the non productive people in society, giving our taxes to foreign nations who just take it and spend it on themselves, haters of any "christian" religion while upholding evil such as islam, baby killers, anti family values, pushing the gay agenda on us (we don't care if you are gay just keep it to yourself), just how do we come together? We are total opposites! I am NOT going to lower myself to their immoral standards. I do not hate them I just don't agree and it's like you just want them to understand but they refuse.

  • Sorry, dude, but the level of most of the Republicans here makes any such discussion impossible.

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