I need a paragraph translated into irish! HELP PLEASE?

May the Blessing of Light be upon you, light on the outside, light on the inside. With God's sunlight shining on you, may your heart glow with warmth, like a turf fire that welcomes friends and strangers alike. May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes, like a candle in the window, welcoming the weary traveler. May the blessing of God's soft rain be on you, falling gently on your head, refreshing your soul with the sweetness of little flowers newly blooming. May the strength of the winds of heaven bless you, carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean, sparkling after in the sunlight. May the blessing of God's earth be on you, and as you walk the roads, may you always have a kind word for those you meet. May you understand the strength and power of God in a thunderstorm in winter, and the quiet beauty of creation, and the calm of a summer sunset. And may you come to realize that insignificant as you may seem in this great universe, you are an important part of God's plan.


For those of you who asked, no I don't mean "Gaelic". Those who actually speak Irish, do not call it Gaelic. Secondly, I'm not trying to memorize it, Its going to be a tattoo. Lastly, I've lived in Ireland, and I'm well aware they speak English. HAHA. that's why, even with all of the irish friends I have, I still need someone to translate it.



  • here you go rebel

    5 月の光に祝福する場合は、光を外に出て、光を内側にします。日光に輝く神の場合は、あなたの心の輝きが思いやりを持って、芝生のようなことになった火災友人や見知らぬ人を歓迎していきます。 5月の光の主磨きお客様の目からは、ろうそくのように、ウィンドウの疲れた旅人を歓迎します。 5月の雨の恩恵を、神のソフトである場合は、落下して頭を丁寧に、あなたの魂のさわやかな甘さの小さな花を新たに開花します。 5月の風の強さは、天の祝福する場合は、お客様の魂を乗せた雨を洗うきれいで、まばゆいばかりの後には、日光です。神の地球の可能性を祝福していますが、道路を歩いて、あなたはいつも可能性があるようなこれらの単語を満たしています。可能性を理解して、神の力の強さと雷雨の中を、冬になると、静かな美しさと創造、そして、穏やかな夏の日没します。可能性を実感して来て、取るに足りないように見えることがあり、この偉大な宇宙を、あなたは重要な部分である神の計画だ。

  • I don't know Gaelic, but it is a very difficult language, and that is a lot to memorize. You'll need coaching in person I think.

  • Since people in Ireland speak English it is already translated.

  • dont you mean gaelic

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