do snakes often get into back yards in Australia?
Im moving to Brisbane Australia in January and am looking at houses to live in. Im a bit worried that if i get a house that has lots of trees or bushes snakes might come into my back yard or i might get big spiders. I am moving over from New Zealand and we don't get snakes here nor do we get big or dangerous spiders i am just wondering is it common for snakes to get into peoples back yards its making me look for a very boring house with no trees or bushes because i am so scared lol.. i am actually from Australia but moved to NZ when i was 7 and it has made me very soft since we don't have all the creatures Australia has lol
Brisbane is tropical and there are many nasty wildlife there. Ask a local their advice and please relax, Brisbane is a lovely city
they can but you can use a spray to keep them away