Why do Conservatives want to destroy America?

Why do they fight to turn the US into a Middle-East/Dark Ages-style hell where a ruling class of less than 1% rules America, where no child is left unarmed, where gays, adulterers, non-Christians, heretics and liberals are stoned to death, where abortion is illegal, evolution is banned from schools, science books and labs are burnt down, everyone has trial by ordeal and slavery is re-instated? Right wing heaven huh?


  • Because many of them are wealthy enough to be in that top ruling class and the others are weak-minded sheep who fall for the relentless marginalizing, fear-mongering and xenophobia that is inherent conservative politics.

  • They do not want to destroy America, they just want to change it to a dictatorship.

    They have the money, money is power. But money can only get them so far, the masses will prevail. Once the middle class conservatives realize what they are supporting, they will come to their senses. Most conservatives do not have the ability to think on their own, they hear the crap from sources like Fox News and conservative radio and believe it. Conservatives have become an embarrassment to this country.

  • You need help !

    The utopian perfectibility that liberals crave is detrimental to society--indeed, not even possible by government edict or by any human effort. Liberals are deceived in thinking they are working for good. The welfare state, while well-intentioned, institutionalizes indolence and poverty--and is thereby immoral. The result of the welfare state is not true charity; rather it is theft from one group to benefit another group in order to keep the latter on the dole for political votes.

    While a just society will seek equality of opportunity and appropriate assistance for the truly needy, liberal redistribution schemes ultimately hurt both the recipients and the contributors. Wealth redistribution forced by the heavy hand of the state distorts the moral arrangement between parties when charity is freely given. There is a difference between a hand-up and a hand-out.

    Biblically ordered liberty is moral. But liberalism in any of its forms, properly understood, is tyrannical. All forms of utopian statism have as their root the need to control other people by edict rather than by conscience. Statism is inherently inefficient, produces little, takes resources from the productive economy, and is therefore detrimental to growth and the welfare of a society.

    Liberalism has everything turned on it head. It punishes achievement but rewards failure. Liberal thought is often opposed to objective moral values and is opposed to a moral authority above itself. Thus liberal thought says that rights come from government, rather the American ideal of unalienable rights from God. It is demonstrably true that little is sacred with liberalism outside of one's personal subjective feelings or political power--not the Bible, not the Constitution, not the Rule of Law, not natural law, nor even life itself.

    Thus liberalism is the least likely system to honor the inherent worth of the individual, and the most likely to harm the most vulnerable in society such as the expendable elderly and the innocent unborn. Liberals' profession of tolerance is hypocritical as liberals certainly do not tolerate opposition to their errant views. Liberals are tolerant until you disagree; then you become a racist hillbilly. Indeed, the further left a society progresses the more it is intolerant and destructive--a fact proven time and again by history.

    While liberals may be moral and well-intentioned in their own lives, their views are not consistent with what is good. In actuality liberals are working to tear down or distort everything that is good and elevate what is evil--including in art, music, culture, business, politics, science, sexuality, education, truth, beauty, justice, morality, and logic. So ironically liberalism is neither moral, compassionate, tolerant, nor effective. Christian capitalism is the most moral, leads to the most freedom, and produces the most economic benefits for society.

  • Come now, think this through. We all know how much liberals hate this country and everything it stands for. So if there was somebody willing to help the left to destroy America.. they'd be the liberals best friends.

    That clear isn't happening.

  • Your rant has no basis in truth, the very thing you claim to "devote" yourself to.

    First of all, there is no Creationism in schools, we lost that one.

    Second, atheism is growing like mold. We cant pray in schools, or read the Bible in certain places.

    So you have it backwards.

    Christians don't "stone" people, you're living in a fantasy world.

    Go out and get educated about whose really suppressing who.

  • Like I answered the other day, I can't take seriously anyone who doesn't take the time to check their spelling.

    What sort of brainy, book-smart Liberal are you?

  • See my answer to your last equally insane and idiotic question, who's only purpose is to demonize your dissenters while stirring up hate between the parties. People like you are a plague to both parties.

  • I thought this was a question site, not Comedy Central. Really, get your facts straight before you embarrass yourself again.

  • Emotional rants do not constitute logical arguments.

  • Please, don't ever delete this post.

    I'm bookmarking it as an example just how out of touch with reality once can be.

    I'm amazed that you can even function in society

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