Do cows, horses, donkeys drives away snakes??

1) When you have cows or horses near your house, snakes tend to run away but i dunno the reason why. Maybe because of the vibration of their feet ortheir smell??


  • thats not the truth .... I have seen snakes at my barn

  • The animals don't actively drive a snake away. Snakes don't want to be near anything that can step on them or eat them so big hooves would be something they'd avoid, but they stay in the area, they just go into protective cover. You'd still have them in the area.

    Our grandmother always warned us against playing in the cow pasture by the old tree stumps, there were rattlesnakes known to be there. We only saw green grass snakes, but I don't doubt they had rattlers in the area, the environment was perfect for it. Oh, and the rock pile, they'd be snakes sunning there too, we weren't supposed to climb on that either.

  • We had all of the above in our pastures and still had snakes until the roadrunners moved in. If cows, horses or donkeys do keep snakes away I would guess it is because they keep the grass short near the house and snakes like to hide in tall grasses. If you hate snakes, pray for roadrunners to move in to your area.

  • The urine ,I would think, is the reason. Also these animals tramp the grass and leave the soil exposed and the snakes like to be in vegetation more.

    I know if you have moles or gophers if you put human urine down their hole they leave the area.

  • I think its because of the vibration. Donkeys will run off just about anything. my friends donkey beat the snot out of a coon.

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