Consumer grade dash cam with features?

Hello I did a search for what I'm looking for but came up empty handed. Anyone know of a consumer grade dash cam system that records both front and back of the car as well as recording speed turn signals in use and weather the brakes are being used, not sure if any can connect to the odb port to get that info or not. Also needs to be decent resolution and backup time.



  • Hi, I've looked into dash cams quite a bit, and I don't think there is one that can do everything you're asking. The closest it gets is a cam that records out the front and back of your car that also has GPS so it will record your speed. The sound of the turn signals would be picked up by the cam's microphone, and whether you're using the brakes would be obvious from watching the video but so far there isn't any dash cam that gets all this info directly from the car electronically.

    For a decent two-channel dash cam (meaning it records front and back) that also has GPS, feel free to check out the link.

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