If Americans don't use he metric system. But instead use the imperial system. Why is it that they use "Clicks". Despite one click being one kilometer; A metric measurement?
Actually, there is an example in the United States that uses the metric system on their highway. In the state of Arizona, Highway 19 from Tucson to Nogales is marked in "Kilometers Per Hour." (That distance is over 100 kilometers or 65 miles.)
The term clicks is a "short form" or term we use to identify the word kilometers. E.g.: "How many "clicks" is it from Toronto to Montreal?" The United States is the 2nd last country in the world "Not" to use the metric system in totality. In fact, the US is using the metric system extensively, just not totally. Doctors do all measures in metrics especially distributing medicine in cubic centimeters. Virtually all scientists in the US use metric measures exclusively. Track and field events have dropped yards and miles all together.
Sure do it. If you know the basics of fixing a bike so you can do repairs along the way, and you are reasonably experienced with camping and general travel (knowing how to get around in a new place, watching out for dangers, etc), then there's no reason not to. I did a 1200 mile tour as my first tour with little experience with no problems. Bring a credit card for an emergency trip home if all else fails. Also, remember the prevailing winds are west to east... fly there first, then cycle back. cheers
Actually, there is an example in the United States that uses the metric system on their highway. In the state of Arizona, Highway 19 from Tucson to Nogales is marked in "Kilometers Per Hour." (That distance is over 100 kilometers or 65 miles.)
The term clicks is a "short form" or term we use to identify the word kilometers. E.g.: "How many "clicks" is it from Toronto to Montreal?" The United States is the 2nd last country in the world "Not" to use the metric system in totality. In fact, the US is using the metric system extensively, just not totally. Doctors do all measures in metrics especially distributing medicine in cubic centimeters. Virtually all scientists in the US use metric measures exclusively. Track and field events have dropped yards and miles all together.
I hope this helps you.
Sure do it. If you know the basics of fixing a bike so you can do repairs along the way, and you are reasonably experienced with camping and general travel (knowing how to get around in a new place, watching out for dangers, etc), then there's no reason not to. I did a 1200 mile tour as my first tour with little experience with no problems. Bring a credit card for an emergency trip home if all else fails. Also, remember the prevailing winds are west to east... fly there first, then cycle back. cheers
We don't, the only time I've ever heard an American like myself use clicks is either if they're in the military or overseas. Usually both.