Who empties airplane septic tanks?

What is the job called of people who empty the septic tanks on an airplane?

That would be the worst job ever


  • They may be called 'Rampers' if Ramp Service; 'Lav Guy' if Fleet Service or Utility personnel. It varies with the airline or if its at an FBO (Fixed Base Operator) for general aviation or corporate aircraft. Its not the worst job ever, however. That is probably the mechanic (A&P) that has to work on the system, like maybe change a flush pump, clean out under the dump valve, because its leaking down. Much better pay, but a very nasty job. If the 'ramper' is wearing his gloves and face shield, not a bad job at all.

  • It's only nasty if you open both valves before connecting the hose to the honey wagon. You're supposed to open the first valve so you can connect the hose, then pull a lever on the hose fitting that opens the second valve. You don't need to touch any poo water.

    Done it a few times as a mechanic, but never as a full-time living. There are tons of worse jobs out there.

  • When the plane is on the ground at the airport, a hose is connected to the tank for it to be emptied.

  • Fleet service. Believe me, that's hardly the worst job ever. Drive the truck out, connect a hose, turn on the pump, disconnect, connect chemical hose, fill the tank, disconnect, drive off.

  • Stop laughing at aviation dream careers -

    Especially when the hose does not fit well, and he gets a "shower" -

    But... he loves airplanes...

  • Aerial Porters for Air Force members. As far as civilian, I don't know. Could be the same, Aerial Porters.

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