Do you think women dressed as school girls encourages pedophilia?

I find it irritating that a lot of people think it's sexy to see grown women dressed as little girls or high-school students. That's why there's a lot of rape and murder going on with little innocent girls who won't grow up to be beautiful because men like to prey on innocence. Even though these are grown women, not girls under eighteen, the men are thinking of something much younger. In their minds they're having sex with girls under eighteen. It's basically saying "Yeah, girls in high school are sexy and it's okay for men to view them in an inappropriate way." Which is why so many teenagers have lost their innocence. The "sexy school girl" image should be made illegal.


  • You find it irritating so you want to make it illegal ?

    Since I find Hip Hop music irritating can we make that illegal too ?

    after all, thug life and gangs are responsible for many of Americas homicides every year.

    Your whole restictions on the rights of what grown adults want to do I have a problem with.

    Laws already exist against child sexual abuse, Those are good enough. If Grown adults want to do something that makes them happy that is their business not yours or any other thought police.

  • The likelihood of a normal man turning into a pedophile because of this is EXTREMELY small. Your hypothesis presupposes that men's sexual desires are easily influenced, and I don't think this is the case.

    And as for your claim that the "sexy school girl" image should be made illegal... That would be an enormous overextension of legislative authority. We shouldn't legislate against people's thoughts, even if we find these thoughts to be offensive.

  • I think when a hot chick is dressed like a little girl, with a ******* lollipop and hair bow, that's just extremely creepy. The tartan schoolgirl skirt or cheerleader outfit is an entirely different kind of dynamic, though, for most men. First of all, teenage girls are sexually mature women. In our culture it is illegal and unethical for adult men to have relationships with them, and that is a good thing. I would be perfectly happy to break the leg of the kind of guy who would try to prey on a teenage girl. But people become sexually aware when they are in their teens and many, many heterosexual men have their first erotic fantasies and/or real life experiences with peers who wore those kind of outfits. So it shouldn't be too surprising that adults might like to play with those rolls. Plenty of grown women like to put on a schoolgirl outfit because it makes them hot. Some really like to have their partner pretend to be their teacher and spank them. Now if something like that happened in real life, I would say castrate the teacher. But that whole dynamic is pretty obviously a very common fantasy for many, many responsible, moral, law-abiding people in American society, both male and female. If you are suggesting that people's private sexual fantasies need to be criminalized somehow than you would fit in well in a theocracy.

  • Hm, perhaps that is taking it a little too far. It's not really fair to say that men (or women) who are turned on by an adult in a schoolgirl outfit are closet paedophiles. But then I don't think that there is much of a link there at all really. Paedophiles tend not to take any notice of adults, and have no sexual feelings towards them. So I think if you are the type of person who looks at that sort of thing, you are unlikely to suddenly think it's ok to touch kids.

  • "The "sexy school girl" image should be made illegal."

    Why? It's just a fantasy and most people who indulge in it would never think of having sex or doing anything sexual with children. If everything is between consenting adults & they aren't actually doing anything with children/minors, I see no problem.

  • pedophilia is about age not attire so i wouldnt say that exactly. theres always been that sexy schoolgirl fetish, its just the clothes like nurses outfits or maids, looking at them,sex might not be the first thing that springs to mind but in this day and age anything could be turned into being sexy.

    i can kina see where your coming from though

  • Myth: Rape is an isolated, infrequent event that only happens to attractive, young women or women who are promiscuous or provocatively dressed.

    Fact: Anyone can be sexually assaulted. Sexual assault victims include people of color, lesbians/gays, people with disabilities, and persons from every racial, ethnic, religious, economic, and social background. In Texas, sexual assault victims in 1996 ranged in age from 2 months to 99 years old. Most sexual assault victims at the time of assault are not wearing provocative clothing; most are wearing blue jeans or nightgowns.

    Myth: Rape is an impulsive act that happens when the rapist gets sexually aroused.

    Fact: Most rapes (58% to 71%) are planned in advance. Surprisingly, most rapists report experiencing fairly low levels of pleasure in their sexual assaults.

    Myth: Rape is motivated by sexual desire.

    Fact: Rape is a crime of aggression and violence, motivated by anger and the desire for power and control.

  • I don't think that seeing ADULT women dressing like schoolgirls encourages pedophilia.

    But I think that having CHILDREN dress sexy certainly does. Why do we allow it?

  • Meh, that's a fad. there's no longer something you could quite do approximately it. If jap females wanna dress like that, then they have all the nicely suited to. yet there are various jap females available who love dressing like the classic "edo jap lady", so which you do no longer likely might desire to worry approximately "all jap females transforming into catholic college females".

  • A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.

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