Is this not a paradox?

If you ask a serious question, you run the risk of violation notice.

If you give a serious answer, you still run the risk of violation notice.

But, if you pick up questions for voting a BA, and just vote for any answer which is obviously incorrect in category like math and without even reading any, there is no risk of violation notice. On the contrary, you get rewarded by 1 point for answering. Anyone can easily amass points but such unethical practice and are never punished.


  • Perhaps; however, I like to ask questions and/or give answers. Just voting would get old pretty quickly, especially considering the points are pointless. Plus I have read and try to follow the Community Guidelines so I don't concern myself much with getting violations.

  • This Is quite a paradox...thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will now use this method...unethically.

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