Is connor a country name?? ?

Is it too popular.. whats a good middle name?


  • Connor is not a counntry name, I think it is a n ame that can be a country name if you combine if with something like Connor Wyatt

    Or dress up the name like this Connor William

    Or less formas Connor Branden

    Or make it more edgy Connor Xavaior

    or Connor Elliot

    Connor Dean

    I love the name

  • I absolutely love Connor! Its one of my all time favorites!

    It could be southern, its not very country sounding, but it definitely does have a bit of that feel!

    My favorites are:

    Connor Ethan

    Connor Blake

    Connor James

    Connor Liam

    Connor Austin

    Connor Lucas

    Connor Miles

    :) Hope I helped!

  • connor is rare, but popular. miles is a good middle name

  • It sounds more suburban to me, not "quite" hill-billy-country.

    Try James or Harry for middle.

  • I think its both--a female or a male name.. opposed to Urban..?

    I don't think such a things matter's anymore.

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