How do I remove tar stains from a cream carpet?

some one walked on my carpet after walking outside where they were tarmacing a road!


  • Tar and bug remover for automobiles will break down the tar and make it easier to remove from the carpet fiber. WD-40 or waterless handcleaner (the type mechanics use) do essentially the same thing, however. After you have removed the tar, in either case you should use vinegar to neutralize the chemicals so that you don't create a mystery stain from the residues left that attract dust and dirt.

  • Sponge with a small amount of dry cleaning solvent


    Mix one teaspoon of a mild pH balanced detergent (a mild non alkaline non bleaching detergent) with a cup of lukewarm water


    Sponge with clean water


    Note: Always test an inconspicuous area for colorfastness, etc. before treating the exposed area. Also note that certain stains are permanent.

  • Try a little as a cleaner as well as an oiler..

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