how do i add comments onto other peoples questons!?

i cant find out how to answer peoples questions



  • Since Yahoo Answers is not intended as a chat site you have to be careful not to be chatting, see the link below or you could be reported. The best way however, you could click on their avatar, if they accept ims or emails click on the appropriate one and follow the prompts. If the question is still open: click on the "edit" link below your question then "add details" add your note, preview and submit.

  • If the question is already resolved: You can't answer it, you can only leave a comment (you can leave a comment by clicking on the "comment" button on the action bar)

    If the question is still open: You can answer it by clicking "Answer question."

  • pick a category

    go to the Open Questions

    click on one that you want to answer

    read it

    click on the blue "answer this question" button

    type in your answer

    hit 'preview'

    re-read your answer

    correct as needed

    hit 'submit'

    Repeat as necessary


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