Does natural delivery ruin *** life?

Do u feel normal down there after natural delivery and when does it feel normal again,do you satisfy your partener ? Please I need honest answers .thanks in advance


  • You will probably be a little sore, swollen and tender after birth. This improves quickly if the birth was straightforward. If you were given an episiotomy and stitches, it can take longer, often many weeks, before everything is comfortable again.

    If you have stitches, for the first few days it may sting a little when you urinate, and feel uncomfortable when you have a bowel movement. The hospital nurses or your midwife will advise you about this.

    A woman's sex drive is usually at its lowest during the weeks after giving birth. That's normal, and it will return. When you resume having sex, the first time might be uncomfortable. Take it slow and use a lubricant the first one or two times you have sex postpartum. If it continues to be difficult or painful after that, see your doctor; but usually there is no problem.

    From the man's perspective, sex is usually as good, physically, after childbirth as it was before. The vagina returns to its "normal" state and functions as well as ever. The main complaint seems to be finding time for sex with a new baby in the house.

    From the woman's perspective, once she is past her postpartum recovery and her sex drive is back, sex is usually found to be more enjoyable than before. Some researchers think this has to do with a change in the way genital blood vessels react in a woman who has given birth, while others believe it is at least partly psychological.

  • No a natural delivery does not ruin a sex life at all.

    Initially after giving birth things can be a bit of a mess, that is normal.

    Most people are fine within a few weeks, but they still recommend waiting 6 weeks after giving birth to have sex again because your risk of infection is high.

    Yes, after that period of time most if not all women find that their vagina is certainly back to normal and most people I know found that they were tighter after giving birth then they were before.

    The vaginal muscles are made to stretch to accommodate a baby, it's normal

  • Honestly, even if you get stitches. It's not so bad. It may hurt for a few days or up to a week but that's about it. You are supposed to wait I think 6 weeks to have sex whether you have your baby vaginally or by Cesarean. Either way just do it when you feel ready. Most women who have natural births feel fine after the child is born and can stand and walk while mothers who took an epidural may not be able to stand or walk for hours. (Epidurals make it hard to feel when to push so I would suggest going naturally anyway)

  • No, it does not. Some women are naturally larger than others. If your vagina is small it won't be the same but it won't ruin you. My wife was a real skinny woman but had a rather large vagina. 8 weeks after delivery the doc said sex was allowed again. Felt just as good as before.

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