Is a dream of my ex a sign?

I am in a awsome relationship and planning to get married in April!! But lately I have been having dreams with my ex b/f in them! They arent really happy dreams but they arent nightmares either. I could care less about this ex I havent even seen or talked to him in 2 years, why is he popping in my head now?


  • Nah, its not a sign. I wouldn't over analyze it too much.

  • This is an interesting question. I can only answer from my recent experience, hope it helps - perhaps you are under stress planning the wedding and your mind is running over your life up to this point and putting things to rest.

    Over the past month I have dreamt a few times of an ex from 16 years ago. I really have not thought about him at all since we broke up and I can't understand why he's popped up in my head. It was not one of those relationships where there's no closure or anything like that, and ostensibly he didn't leave as big an impact as other relationships. I've come to the conclusion that it has to do with my present relationship and changes in my life -- i.e. nothing to do with the guy from the past, but somehow he's a symbol for the guy in the present and how I relate to him.

    In less symbolic terms, I also have had to do a lot of work recently, so perhaps part of my brain is stirred up near where my memory of him is stored or something.

    Also, I get the feeling that when we break up and go our separate ways, whether it is under good, bad or neutral circumstances, there is always a question left hanging there. Not so much 'what if I had stayed with him' but more like, 'what if I didn't know him.' There is always some mystery or missing piece in every individual's personality compared to what they bring to and reveal in a relationship. In the heat of the moment both people part ways, but then in retrospect one can wonder what there was deep down, if that makes any sense. It still doesn't explain why he popped into my head.

    Check out the links below - they have interesting ideas on the subject.

  • I'm in a college psychology class and as far as I know, it's hard to tell whether dreams actually mean anything. I'd say it's more just a reflection of what you think about during the day--relationships, commitment (since you're marrying soon), the like. According to this class I'm taking, your subconcious isn't really smarter than you in a psychic kind of way, so I don't think your brain is trying to tell you something through your dreams. Spiritual beliefs could lead to a lot of other possibilities though, so however you want to interpret it I guess, but like I said, so far as the studies of dreams go, it's not like your subconcious is psychic and is trying to hint something to you that you should do.

  • Old flames tend to be human symbols of romantic love. This means that your first signifcant romance tends to become imprinted so that person will act like an emblem of love in many of your dreams. Its likely the dream is actually trying to work through your current relationship with someone entirely different. But when issues with romance are the subject of a dream, the file that comes up has your old flame's face on the cover. Don't be deceived by this; in most cases your heart and your dreams are focused on current issues.

  • Even if you dont care about him at all, you may have some unresolved issues with him. I still had dream about my ex for years, even after I got married. My ex & I were together for 4 years. Had a child together, then I didnt see him for about 10 years. When I finally saw him again, talked to him and got alot of stuff off my chest, the dreams stopped.

  • I've been married now for just over a year, and to be perfectly honest with you I've had a few quite LOVELY dreams about wild romances with mysterious strangers, and even men I know. But that doesn't change how I feel about my husband. Take the dream for what it was. A little fantasy, a movie in your mind. You won't remember it in a month or two.

  • This could be a bit confusing. He's popping up in your dreams because you don't care about him. Maybe you're still just recovering from the break-up mentally and some memories are stuck in your head. I don't think it means anything.

  • No its not a sign!

    It is very normal for this to happen..o.k.

    We do this stuff, its like you have something you haven't used in ages...then! YOU GIVE IT AWAY...

    Then all of a sudden?

    You need it, or even try to find it, so you can use it.

    Human nature is quite extreme.....its just you getting into your new life soon.....

    Good luck! all the best and just keep going forward.

  • NO!!! it is not a sign

    stop being so female and get a hold of yourself

    I hope you don't ruin yourself over this

  • sometimes a dream is just a dream

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