Does Yahoo Answer Practice Censorship?

Have any of you had any experiences with censorship on this site, if so give a few details.


  • LOL. yahoo is the same company who outed Chinese dissidents to the Chines govt. The chinese govt then tortured and imprisoned these govt dissidents whos names Yahoo freely gave up.

    Yahoo very much censors any opinion that is not usually far, far left. Try bashing some loony liberal on here and see how quickly you are given a liberal "violation email". Then bash a Far right poster and see what happens...nothing. I have done it. Used the same language in different posts. All my anti liberal posts where dleted, while the same posts directed towards conservatives, where not.

    I questioned Yahoo and they threatened to close my accounts.

    You will see. Your question will be removed, you will be given a violation and if you question it, they will NEVER answer you directly, but will directly to a vague set of rules that doesn't really address why you where "violated". When you question that, they will reply they reviewed your appeal and you violated the rules. No explanation...nothing. I have appealed dozens of "violations" and have not won a single one. Ever.

    I know nobody who has.

    So yes, TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION (thats a bid one with them...not answering the question, so I put it BOLDLY...LOL) Yahoo does in fact censor.

    And they also have their little trolls, like wizjp above, who flag posts all day they do not agree with without any reprecussions.

    I fully expect a violation notice soon and soo should most of you on here as well...LOL.

  • Since the questions could be read by anyone anywhere, given the vast cultural diversity that exist with various level of tolerence for any given topic, Yahoo as an borderless organization has to keep that in mind. Which is why censorship of certain topic is essential.

    Take for example the cartoon issues related to a particular faith. The world has a Buddha bar but not a bar in the name of the one related to the cartoon.

    That is why censorship is a must.

    Did you hear about a few men arrested for plotting to kill the cartoonist?

  • Of course it does. It would be irresponsible not to practice censorship.

    It is a myth that "censorship" is evil. When you go to a party and run into your Great Aunt Hilda, and the thought pops into your head to say "Hey, you fat old windbag, keep your hands to youself!" but you don't, you are practicing self-censorship. When you go to work, and you restrain yourself from making sexist and abusive comments to your co-workers because of your fear of reprecussions, that is the result of your knowledge that your comments would be censored (not to mention censured) by your employer. When a newspaper refuses to run a recruiting ad for the KKK, that is also censorship. So what? All of these are good things, and they are also examples of censorship.

    Censorship is a bad thing when it is done by the government (because the government is so powerful, and is supposed to work equally for all citizens), for reasons having to do with the content of the message being censored. Yahoo is a private party. If you can't say what you want on this website, go find another one. Who cares if Yahoo "censors" posts here? In fact, isn't it nice that the entire board isn't just a steaming heap of bile? Web discussion boards that are moderated (or "censored") are much more useful than free-for-all sites.

  • Constantly, Conservative question or answer with facts will get you violated quicker than anything, and Yahoo will never give a definite answer as to why you were violated...

  • yes. I am an antigayist and yahoo deleted at least five of my antigay threads. yahoo is a ******* ******.

  • Yahoo responds to complaints and uses a T/S as a yardstick. Users censor. Yahoo just listens

  • T-t-too scared to answer!

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