why do libras annoy scorpios?

I'm a scorpio, I've been friends with two libras and I cant stand either one of them. I even quit a job because one of them worked there and i got tired of seeing and having to talk to him everyday. We party on the weekends though! Two days for 5 to 8 hours is enough of libra. At the same time I want to be a good friend and be loyal, so I still got love for them as friends. It's like I want to like them, but it's hard. I don't feel that deep connection type bond that i feel with my other friends. My one libra friend annoys the hell out of me, wants constant attention from any and everybody, even E.T will do, and it gets on my nerves. I'm a people magnet, so i draw people to me effortlessly at the clubs, and he makes every effort to suck them dry for attention, and if they are talking or more interested in me not him, he will gets all pissed with me. He gets his feelings hurt alot, tries to cover it up but i can tell. Sometimes i just can't deal with him and i think he's picked up on it, i do avoid him..He wants to talk everyday! About nothing! He's an air head, no deepness at all, So at times i just dont answer. So he started texting instead, I prefer texting to talking, but now I feel obligated to do that or he gets his feeling hurt when i don't text him back. I can't win. I really don't even want to be his friend, but i feel bad because he's not a bad person and i dont think its his fault he annoys me, that just the way he is. I've never met anyone that I love like a brother, but don't like. I tolerate him, even my other friends notice that i tolerate him. We own a business together so that's the only reason he's lasted this long. We are not speaking again and I'm usually the one to call to patch up the friendship, and this time i just cannot bring myself to do it because honestly I'm tired of caring. Is it worth it to even it to try and be friends with someone that annoys and drains you to the point of misery...even if they are a good person, cool and you can tolerate them 20% of the time? Damn...i'm beginning to sound indecisive i think.....wonder where i mighta picked that up..lol.


  • i would be firm in who i was. you are going to have to dig for legitimate reasons on why you cannot stand him... lets see, apparently you think he's shallow and in order for you to be around him you have to cater to that fact, bc it's impossible for you to connect w him in the way you prefer (deeper). start calling him out on his shallowness... ie; "why are you such an attention hog?" not in a mean way, just in a kind way- that'll **** w his head. you know what i mean? you shouldnt readjust your personality for your friends. you can certainly work w a libra, bc work only requires respect, understanding, and superior communication skills. But to be friends on a day to day basis partying like "boys" best friends, you need a real connection/ respect for the ppl you are hanging out w on your free time.

  • Please.don't sweat it....... especial when it comes to ppl not accepting u the way u are. Ur a Libra male and worried about a Scorpio chick being annoy by u? What makes a Scorpio better, as a matter of fact i've met a few annoying once. And i know the there's some Libra's that could be annoying too, ppl could be annoy period. So forget about astrology and go on w/ ur life.

  • Yeah, I agree with M. Basically, there are some people whoare good people but who have some really annoying qualities nevertheless. But, this doesn't mean you should sacrifice your own happiness just because "he's a good guy," you know? If he annoys you, you should give him more of the cold shoulder thing you've been giving him.. Libras are needy, though, so you might have to do it for a while before he finally decides he cant make you like him again.

    If you're not sure if you do like him as a friend or not, which it sounds like might also be the case, just be honest with yourself. This guy is a good guy, but he's superficial, and on top that, is annoying which wouldnt be so bad if you liked him to begin with. It's obvious you have no reason to hang out with him if he doesnt teach u anything or make u feel especially motivated.

  • Okay, I'm an old school Libra and I think you put way to much thought into this stuff about your so-call friend. Try not to patch it up this time and leave it lone. Some friends aren't always meant to be friends forever and sometimes there doesn't have to be a deep connection, after-all, you're just a friend....so who gives a damn? Also, most Libras aren't attention whores (we leave that aries and leos), so I curious as to why you say that. Either way, just do your Libra ex-friend a favor by NOT contacting him this time. Peace

  • I am Libra and I wonder if you (being a Scorpio) think too deeply again about potentially hurting your friend? Libras usually move on quickly; if someone does not like us - it is difficult for us to like them or care for them too long, why take the trouble? So, maybe if you do drift away for good - your Libra friend will not suffer much; and find new friends. You said you were the one patching up the friendship in the past... Maybe it is time to let it cool down completely. Libras are nice people, so it is unlikely he will try to take it out on you in business or eslewehre, which is a good thing.

  • I have cut off all Libras out of my life and I feel bad for my Scorpio niece having to deal with a Libra sister!!

  • Well,

    I'm a Cancer with an Aries Moon,so I hear ya'!

    Not saying all Libras are like this...Because I did have one really close Libra friend for years,who didn't necessarily fit the Libra stereotype..Of course I don't know her other placements...But most Libras I come into contact with annoy me.

    They are so shallow and need to have others input before they can come to a decision...They will do anything to keep "The Peace"...Including never standing up for themselves.

    Even if he is a good guy at heart....If he bothers you this much,It's better to end the friendship,I think.

  • This post was a hella long time ago, but I feel the same with Libras. I just find that all they talk about is themselves and they just mope around with their sorrows or their problems going on in their lives and it drives me nuts, it's so annoying! I feel they can do something about their problems instead of moping around and pitying themselves all day long. They waste their time with negativity and self-pity I can't stand it, then when you try to maybe even help them in the slightest with things they shoot you down, like you want help and I give you a logical thing to do to help you and then you shoot me down and go on to self pity yet again. Like get away from me.

  • Scrorpios annoy the hell out of libras too. My mom is a libra and im a gemini, and she constantly tells me how much she cant stand scorpios! they are so jealous and envious. and i agree they are evil.

    libras are good people you're right they are humanitarian, and like peace.

    and if he's your friend why dont you just tell him how much you ******* hate him??? so he can get other friends? maybe cause noone else likes you?? and you are jealous cause he can get friends easier than you, since he's a socialble libra person, you are just bitter,selfish and dont want your friend to be happy, and only care for you.

    one day you'll loose him as a friend and then you'll really know what MISERY is.

  • Sun signs are for fun,don't base your life around one aspect of astrology. For a complete analysis visit astrology.com,and I suggest you get your birth chart made and analyzed,maybe its the transit of planets that are causing these problems.

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