How do i transfer my Aggressive Tarantula.?

Ok so here the situation. I have a Sri-Lankan Ornamental Tarantula (Poecilotheria fasciata) and she had just molted about 5 days ago, Growing a significant amount. Shes big,nasty and like any other pokie...very fast.Shes harder to catch than my Cobalt blue and i need to change her bedding and such. Need some tips on how to safely get her into another tank. Any tips?


  • Place her habitat in the bathtub and use a smaller tall plastic container with a lid to do the transfer. I use a paint brush because it's soft, but you can also use tongs. Place the smaller container in her habitat and coax her into that with the brush/tongs. Having her in the tub is just added insurance that if she's going to bolt she's in a place where you can control her a bit better. Good luck.

  • put her in time out.

    just kidding.

    I agree with that other answer that using a cup to catch her would be a good idea

  • Take a styrofoam cofee cup, place it over her, and she will crawl up into it. Go from there.

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