pokemon pearl/diamond trade?

can any1 trade me a these shiny pokemon?







any of there evolutions will be fine.

name: jeffy

fc: 1762 1828 2990

tell me when u will be on


  • e-mail me at [email protected] so we can trade.

  • I any of those... Infernape -desire this a lot- Kecleon Regirock Registeel Drifloon %. as many pokemon as necessary and that i will flow throughout the time of the E4 a pair circumstances so their ranges are close... Skitty Mesprit Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot Magnemite/magneton Ponyta Gyarados Golduck Cleffa/Cleffairy Electrode Pachirisu Electrike Riolu Octillery Lopunny Floatzel Azelf Uxie Chatot Golbat Chansey Torterra Chingling Growlithe Abra Onix Machop / Machamp

  • i can trade you a shiny tortera and a shiny enpolion and shiny infernape [sorry about the spelling].

    but i dont know what time i will be on. im doing homework. ill tell you later

  • lol i only hsve one pokemon shiny(no cheat) will you trade it?? its a sudowudo!! i feel embarassed to have only a shiny sudowudo

    i will be on now so try to get on in less than 20 minutes

    my names christy( friends game) not really)well christy , fc; 2621 1943 3647

  • i would but how do find shinys i only found one and that was lucky because it was giratina

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