I would like a Pro-Life point of view; "Is a Natural Miscarriage a Pro-Life Issue"?


I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I woke up that morning and had a very bad cause of nausea & vomiting the whole day and the next day I woke up with a miscarriage. This was a planned pregnancy and in my mind I could have had an infection during the month conception, maybe I had an allergic reaction to something.... I really don't know. But it happened


  • Pro-Lifers (like me) believe that the intentional taking of an unborn baby's life is wrong. Natural miscarriage is not the intentional taking of an unborn baby's life.

  • No. Because nature is simply taking it's course. If a woman wants to prevent miscarriage and the problem is with her body, then medical intervention can be a good thing. But if a woman is not inclined to prevent a miscarriage, I can't imagine anyone believing it would be a pro-life issue.

    I'm sorry you lost your baby. I lost 3 single children and a set of twins. It's hard. But you need to believe that there is very little a woman can do to cause a miscarriage by accident. Very early miscarriages usually mean the baby wasn't forming correctly. Don't lay any guilt on yourself. You did not do this.

  • I don't think so. I mean, if it's completely natural, then you can't say anyone did anything to cause it. But there is always the question of whether anything could be done to save it/ prevent the miscarriage.

  • A miscarriage is not abortion; you did not murder the child. Miscarriage (in my mind) would be "death of natural causes". Jesus loves you <3

  • no you did nothing to cause it

    SORRY about losing your baby

  • It is nature not nurture.

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