how do i become a dog groomer?

i live in the scotland near glasgow if that helps but i would also like to know

I want to know income ranges

I want to know what you think is the best way to get into it

start private?

What legal rights do you need?

Best places to advertise?

How to maximize your income?

any other advice is appreciated thank you!


  • Probably the best thing to do is find a job in an established grooming salon. You wouldn't be earning much at first, probably minimum wage, but the experience will tell you if you have the aptitude for this job.

    If you do feel it is the vocation for you, you could remain at the salon and work your way up the ladder, drawing a salary the whole time. Or if you have the money, you could enroll at a Dog Grooming School.

    Keep in mind that if you start private, you'd have a whole lot of expenses and not much income for a while (or maybe, not ever). I don't know for sure about Scotland, but over here you need a business license, insurance, either a home occupation permit or rent a small office space, pay for renovations to make it suitable for dog grooming, pay for advertising (flyers, local papers, notices on bulletin boards if allowed, TV ad if you have that kind of money, etc.), and of course utilities (phone, electric, etc.)

    To maximize your income, ideas to consider would be dog boarding and/or selling dog supplies and foods. If you have the money to hire a full-time employee, and enough room, you could offer doggy daycare too. Eventually you could branch out into obedience training classes, if you can find a qualified instructor.

    As for income range, I found this on Google: . Of course if you start your business from scratch, you couldn't expect to earn much the first year or two, so you'd better have another source of income.


    I found a link with lots more info for you:

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