Mosquito bites =[?

I got 3 BAD mosquito bites

dont worry its not the first time


i was wondering if there is a way to getting rid of them fast

please tell me

they look soooo discusting


  • Benedryl makes a topical gel for bites, I use it on my kids.

    Oh also the ammonia in Windex helps. I'm not sure why, but I've used it on myself in absence of benedryl. I keep forgetting about that one.

    And above all stop scratching!!!! If you cause an open wound you leave room for infection and all sorts of other nasty stuff to happen.

    They should go away in only a day or two..

  • There is a product called MiraCell that works wonders on non poisonous insect bites. It is also supposed to have 36 other skin care uses. Hope this information helps

  • vicks vapor rub!


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