Do you prefer Amara or Samara?

Which of these two girl names do you prefer:

Samara (Regard;Guardian) or

Amara (Unfading;Eternal)

Which one do you prefer and which one flows best with our surname: Young.

Please also explain why you chose the one you did.

Both names have alternative meanings, check them out here (only if you're interested) :

Please don't answer stuff that have nothing to do with the question. Last time I asked this someone asked me what my due date was instead of answering the question.


  • Samara is so pretty, I love that name. People use to do not like because of the movie "THE RING" but it's such a beautiful name. Plus, it sounds great with the last name and I love the meanings.

  • Samara I adore, a many centuries old name, historical, meaningful as you have outlined and beautiful.

    Amara is a variation of Samara, this too is extremely pretty but Samara just has that certain somehting more.

  • Amara

    A childhood friend had an older sister with this name. I always liked it.

  • Samara Young has a really nice ring to it. And if she doesn't like her name she can shorten it to Sam.

  • i like Samara, its much softer and pretty sounding.. you could use Amara for a nn as well if you like that name.. as well as Sam, Samii, Mari, Mara etc etc etc..

  • - Amara -

    - I love that it's only five letters long but has three syllables - very cool -

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