How to do a System Restore on a vista in safe mode?

I did some hp non-mandatory updates and it caused my laptop to crash and will not run unless ran in safe mode and hp won't fix their screw up since my warranty is expired unless I pay $90 witch is out of the question is there any way to do a system restore w/o my system recovery disc. I can go into my system protection but there is no place for me to set the restore point for the exact date. (Note: There are NO viruses and it ran in pristine condition before the up dates. Any information would be appreciated.)


Doggy Jones- I'm not having a problem entering system restore, its the restore point. the section where you put the restore point is gone and I cant start system restore w/o first entering a restore point. The page that shows suggested restore points is not appearing either.


  • To answer your question NOPE you can't restore Vista without the recovery discs. Support literally sucks here, and is very expensive. If you have a friend to loan you their recovery discs then you're saved. But practically speaking the chances are very low.

    Otherwise like "Wiki" suggests you're left with no option but Format C: and install a cleaner cousin of Windows, am afraid.

  • Restart or run the computer in safe mode into command prompt.

    Then type rstrui.exe

    Click enter.

    (This will start system recovery, where you can select when you want to restore to)

  • Format C:\ and mount new and possibly better operating system i.e Windows 7.

  • secure mode is a secure wager. by utilising any hazard, do you have your working sytem disk? if so, i could positioned that for the time of and use the fix selection. it is the only way i understand to artwork around the equipment fix blunders.

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