Do pugs let you carry them a lot?

I'm thinking about getting a pug soon and I'm just wondering if they let you carry them around a lot. Kind of like chihuahuas, except not a chihuahua. I'm looking for a small dog that can go places with me. Also when in public, do they stay by your side and stay calm or are they wild trying to get into everything?


  • Most dogs will not stay by your side while in public. Dogs have noses that smell much more than a human could ever imagine. They tend to follow that if they are not on a leash. Leash laws are also in place to protect dogs and people. Whether a dog is wild in public or calm depends on breed, personality, training, and age.

    As for carrying, I have seen big pugs with gigantic chests that I would not attempt to pick up, and then ones that are more petite that do look like you could carry them. No way to tell until the dog is actually fully grown. That being said, dogs have legs for a reason. Little dogs need exercise just like big dogs do. If they don't get that they will be unhealthy and unhappy. They will bark at their own shadow and destroy your house.

  • First of all, every dog has an individual personality. In general, pugs tend to be a bit lazy. I had one that liked to just lounge around. The other one was so wired you'd think I put espresso shots in her water bowl. Most are a little too big to be carried around a lot. You can pick them up pretty easily, but they're too big for doggie carriers or purses or whatever.

  • My pug is chill as hell in public... he doesn't react to anything...

    but I also WILL NOT carry him around as much as he would enjoy that.. he is 32 pounds (imagine carrying a 3 year old person around) id opt for something smaller if you want a carry along dog..

    other wise, Pugs are great!!!

  • I suggest that you go to Michele Welton's Your Purebred Puppy website. You can look up Pugs and many other breeds of dogs for free. You will also learn more there than I can tell you about Pugs.

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