Is Madonna a total idiot,...?

'Like a virgin' song to the pope? Why?


  • Madonna is what is known as a Siren. Study up on the topic and then look at her work again and you will see it plain as day.

  • I didn't know that song was dedicated to the Pope? How dare she be so blasphemous! Just kidding =) Cool. I never really liked Madonna, but after hearing this I think I just might become a fan =)

  • I never could figure out why she was so popular.

    She was nothing more than a mediocre singer at best, overproduced in the studio who had to dig into her bag of gimmicks and overt sexuality to sell records and self promote. And she's a crappy actress too as evidenced from her "illustrious" film career!

  • in view that Madonna's economic "footprint" is contained in the various thousands and thousands- i'm hardly ever shocked... seem, you are able to't make a "Fortune" with out spending huge sums of Carbon- someplace. that's quite a lot a contradiction in words. you would possibly want to make the SMALLEST Carbon footprint???- Then move into the woods, change into one hundred% self-reliant, & decrease your self off from the outdoors international. short of doing THAT- we are ALL following in Madonna's Carbon Footprints... :)

  • The Pope's not a virgin ? You naughty, naughty Pope, you...

  • That's actually pretty funny.

    But no, I'm not a fan of hers. I think she's pushed mediocrity for many many years.

  • I work with total idiots and they are not that stupid.

  • She's awesome!! I've been worshipping her for 25 years!


  • She's trying to get any publicity she can.....

    She still has not realized that she's a relic from the past....

  • Yes. I'm shocked that you'd need to even ask.

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