Telescope accessories?

OK so i've decided on my first telescope, the Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian (good choice?) and i was wondering what lenses and eyepieces would be best to optimize it'd performance. i'm interested in planets, the moon, DSO's such as galaxy's and nebulae. Also would it be worth investing in any filters? Thanks, Luke


  • By a funny coincidence, I just finished writing an article on accessories. First of all, your telescope is a good choice, though the 8-inch version would be better if you can afford it. Learn to use the two eyepieces that come with it before adding eyepieces. The accessories I recommend are 10x50 binoculars, Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas, red and white LED torch, Starry Night software, a good observing chair, and NightWatch by Terence Dickinson (Firefly).

    The only filter worth considering is a narrow band nebula filter, but it is a lower priority than the other items.

  • I believe you get a 25mm and a 10mm when you buy that scope. That is all you need for right now. Use the scope for several months, read about the different eyepieces that are available, and then decide later.

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