how do i write good to empres teacher?

how do i write good

i wanna impress my teecher with my righting but im not sure how

how do i do it?

P.S. What would you consider a more philosophically stimulating novel? The Brothers Karamazov, or War and Peace? Karamazov is a bit more existential, but in the end it is nihilistic. Is everything permissible without God? War and Peace is a little more sociological...But it offers insight into human nature in the face of depravity and the outstretched brink of the human consciousness.


  • I am not sure if your acting dumb or you need help, but you should study word that you need help with like its not righting its writing or teecher is teacher or write good is write well.

    Writing is very easy once you use detail, you don't want to tell you want to show

    Ex The young girl's hair was yellow

    Better- The young girl had hair that was the color of the sun, is moved like a river, it was legendary.

    You did not even have to say it was yellow the sun is yellow so it shows

    Good luck


  • How approximately something on the lines of 'we are youthful and the international is old' - youthful love consistently comes up against human beings and their set techniques that seem upon young babies as outrageous while in actuality they're doing what the greater youthful do ultimate: taking area in existence. If it facilitates use that line and then see if it unblocks your writing. ultimate of success - author's block occurs to me each and all the time. it fairly is hard, fairly while a instructor is on your decrease back!

  • Don't write empres, or teecher. Use active verbs without going overboard. Fahrenheit 451!!! AHHH GOD I LOVE THAT BOOK!

  • By using spell check and having your work edited by a knowledgeable person. Judging my your grammatical mistakes in your question, it is obvious to me that you are having some trouble. Ask your teacher to help revise your essay before you turn it in, and perhaps hire a tutor if you have further trouble in your essay writing.

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