Do sexy Aliens exist?

Looking up at the skies i wonder if Aliens exist.Then are there Aliens who are sexy & Attractive to the Human eye? 'just wondering''


  • Well minus the sexy part I think we all wonder that. I personally believe in aliens. The universe has been proven to go on for an insanely long way, it may even be infinite, so it would be stupid to think that we're the only planet with life on it out there. I don't know if those aliens are highly complex beings or brainless alge but I think they are real. And if they are, nobody knows what they look like or if they would be appealing to the human eye. So, to answer your question, we don't know yet. It's highly probable that aliens exist and it really depends on the planet they're on to even guess how they would look. If they're on a lava volcano planet with firey molten magma spewing everywhere I highly doubt any life on that planet would be appealing because evolution would have turned them into highly armored and heat-resistand beings but if they're on an earth-like planet then they may have evolved similar to us therefore looking more like us and increasing the chances of us finding them attractive. But thats a question science really can't answer as of right now.

  • I think it's pretty positive that aliens exist.

    But now, what do you consider sexy? Is it classical "big breasts and wide hips"? If so, unlikely.

    Breasts are feature exclusive to mammals because they feed their infants with milk it produces, but big breasts are feature only to humans, and not for any practical evolutional advantage. It's only that cavemen thought big breasts were sign of fertility.

    Wide hips on the other hand are more likely, because they developed as a way of making birth easier.

    However in your question you said "to the Human eye". This makes things easier because there are many fetishes in existence. Perhaps people will find exoskeleton attractive, or unusual body structure of aliens. I would say yes in that case, it's very possible. If you are familiar with rule34, then I'm sure you understand that sexual appeal may come from most unlikely sources

  • Everyone asks the same question. And theoretically, it is easily possible for aliens to have evolved. Of course there are people who will find creatures of any kind sexy. To many eyes, aliens may look like abominations. But to the few, some may think they are sexually appealing. The exact same thing happens between people and animals on Earth.

  • Well our idea of sexy is based upon ourselves obviously, so they would have to be a humanoid alien meaning they have a similar body type to us humans. This is possible I mean look at gorillas and monkeys they share similar traits to us and have some level of intelligence. So yes it is possible that such aliens can exist that have a similar body type to us but as for them being sexy well that's a matter of opinion.

  • Well thinking of how large our universe is it seems incredibly unlikely that aliens wouldn't exist. As for the sexy aliens I think that depends on what you like, some people like gingers after all.

  • Usually when sexual mimicry occurs in nature, the mimic is trying to use the victim. The mildest sort of victimization is probably when a lady-slipper orchid tricks a bee with a queen-bee-in-heat smell. Bee goes into flower and can't get back out the same way. Instead, the bee must drag pollen across the orchid's female bits, which makes the flower pregnant so it can turn into a bulb or whatever. I can imagine species using sexual mimicry to attract prey, too, so you might had better stay away from the pretty girl from Arcturus. She'll probably eat you, and not in a nice way.

  • The Universe is immense and full of galaxies which are full of stars and planets. It is very likely that some of these planets have life, even intelligent life. But it is also very likely that humans will never meet any aliens-precisely because the Universe is so immense. Imagine two ants starting at opposite sides of the Sahara Desert. What are the chances of them meeting?

  • Most likely aliens will look completely different than us, having evolved not only as a different species but on a completely different planet. Do you find this sexy?

  • Sexy Aliens

  • Of course they do! Women are sexy and I'm pretty sure they're alien.

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