am I pregnant or paranoid?

I had sex for the 1st time Saturday. Since it was my first time I am a little paranoid. We did use a condom. I'm not on my period yet, since it comes at the end or beginning of each month. I don't have sore breast, nausea, constipation, easily tired... but ive been having cramps and now my lower back is hurting. I usually get this when my period is coming. I did get a cut on the bottom opening of my vagina since he tried to finger me while he had his penis inside. The day after having sex I did get cramps, but is that cause he did finger me pretty hard and deep? As well as his penis? Im not yet ready to have a baby, I'm only gonna be 19soon. (Ive also been taking parsley tea and taking vitamin c to hurry my period to come, should I stop?) and I don't mark my period on a calendar since it was my first time having sex and it wasnt planned. (I should start) sorry for the long novel, just scared to know if I'm gonna be pregnant or not.


  • Do not pay attention to the first answer you received. You could not be or you could be. I suggest you wait & if your period doesn't come soon, take a pregnancy test

    Good luck x

  • You are pregnant

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