Good Topic to do a Psychology Class Research Paper?

Can any give me a few suggestion of a topic that they think is interesting to do a research paper, also one that has a lot of information about it.

I.e; anxiety, antisocial and etc.


  • Here is some nobody thinks of and you might enjoy the information you find (its interesting):

    Lost in translation: The deaf community and problems with communication and proper treatment. (Sign Language is a unique foreign language)

    Psychology of Culture: America is a melting pot of different cultures and races. Identity crisis? How do these stressors effect our self concept? (you could be specific if you wanted- homosexuals, racism, stereotypes, gender differences and the expectations of genders).

    Misplacement: Mentally ill patients in prison

    Medicated Nation: Are we over medicating or under medicating mental illnesses? Are medications working?

    A New World of Technology: Cell phones, text messaging, Facebook, Myspace, blue tooth, fax machines etc... Is a new age of technology bringing us together or pushing us farther apart? What are the implications of these new technologies?

    The Evolution of Disease: Explore how evolution has effected us. (example- a person who was very fearfull hundreds of years ago might have been more likely to LIVE than someone who was not because they avoided danger. Now that fear translates into stress, which for some people is a constant, misaerable anxiety).

    I figured your teacher already knows WHAT schizophrenia is, maybe I would suggest something where you had a little room to give him or her new interesting facts! Good luck I hope you do well!

  • i think a great topic would be school shootings. the Virginia Tech incident made the classroom a much stricter environment. From what I understand, the student responsible had a variety of psychlogical issues, such as anxiety and depression. He had writings and papers that he turned in that made his instructors concerned because they were violent. After the shooting, the school officials got a lot of flack because it was believed they had enough warning signs to do something. Now there are very strict guidelines in classrooms. You can't joke about school shootings or terrorism or anything or you will risk being turned in and getting in trouble. Also, if you have any assignments that are in any way troubling, the teacher must report you. My friend had a playwriting class and the students who wrote plays that were particularly depressing were warned by the teacher. this really stifles the creativity. I'm not sure how much you could write on this topic, but you could also relate it to other school shootings, such as the Amish one in Pennsylvania and the one in Columbine. Both of these have affected the way schools and educators handle students.

  • Bipolar disorder is always good. There is a ton of information on it and there is always current research going on. Plus with the multiple states you should have a lot to work with. Bipolar I, Bipolar II, cyclothymia, and rapid cycling there is even a not otherwise specified section. You can pump out quite a few pages on just defining the disorder.

  • Superstitions.

  • Look up the Peter principle. Has to do with competence. In his book he references Freud so it's a shoe in.

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Linehan's work)

    It's the new gold standard for cognitive-behavioral treatment.

    Good luck!

    ~Dr. B.~

  • Conduct Disorders! That is what I am doing mine on. Its a bit limited but you can really expand on it. Like why, how do they start, typical person with it, ect

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