~800-1000 calories per day?

Hi, I'm 15 female, weigh 120 and I'm only eating less then 1000 calories a day!, will I lose weight eating this few calories, if I ever got back to my normal eating habits 1200-1300 calories per day will I gain weight back quickly??


  • ... You need to have at Least 1200 calories a day, any lower your body will start to save the food you eat as fat because it thinks your starving yourself. It doesn't know when you will get more food any more.

    Advice: eat 4-6 small meals a day

    : 2 hours before each time you eat

    : drink a hell of a lot water, it will help a lot

    : eat breakfast everyday, make it healthy... It will keep you from extra snacking

    : include many raw vegetables and fruit as well as almonds but only a hand full of those

    : don't eat befor bed! This is a huge one! Have your last meal at least 3 hours befor bed!

    GOOD LUCK! I have been doing this recently and have lost 4 pounds already! :)

  • The idea of a low-calorie diet might tempt you because it seems like the quickest, surest way to lose weight. It certainly isn't easy, but it will get results. However, many negative side effects come along with restricting your calorie intake below 1,200. Some side effects are minor and will pass with a good meal, but some are more serious and can land you in the hospital. Do not attempt a low-calorie diet unless you are under the strict supervision of your doctor.

  • There are calorie calculators online and I'm 14 and weigh 130 (but I've lost weight and haven't weighed myself in a while..) and need 1200 to loose weight slowly and steadily and 1350 to keep my weight. I don't think you'll gain weight if you go back to those eating habits, but the best is too eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full, eat healthy and exercise.

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