Whats does a Cab unit do at Ft Bliss?
I would like to try to get into a Cab unit. As a 92F fueler what are my odds in landing in one
Update:I am in the service already I would like to know as a fueler will i be able to go on missions or just fuel on fob or go out of fob I would like to deploy what are the rotations like there at Bliss for Cab heavy medium or light..
well prity good a CAB is a Combined Aviation Batallion if your are a 92F you will be in nothing but aviation so well when u go to meps just tell them u wanna be a 92F and depending on the job you can choose where you go for your first duty station but honestly i wouldnt take that option and maybe get a cash bonus but for me money is a lil more important then where i wanna be
Actually Derk S is in error about what a CAB is. CAB stands for "Combat Aviation Brigade," and not combined arms battalion. Generally each battalion and company in a CAB has a different role. They may be reconnaissance, attack, MEDEVAC, general support, assault, etc.
If you are a fueler, your job is to refuel the aircraft as needed so you have a good chance of getting into one CAB or another.