Nocturnal seizures?

My fiance has seizures between 5 am and 8 am and is taking Dilantin. The seizures started about two years ago..(He is 64) Does anyone know what could be causing these seizures? They only occur when he is asleep. Serious answers only please.


  • I had seizures since I was 2 until 39 years of age. They have better medictions out to help with the seizures today. I was on some very good medications. They have me on tegretol xr and topamax. they have both done well for me. you need to talk to your doctor and ask him about your fiancee's meds.

    When I got off dilantin I had no more problems with my teeth and they got whiter after coming off it. they have many many medictions on the market today to help control seizures. Dilantin was one of the first drugs that came out many years ago. if you want to email me my email address is [email protected].

  • Check this link, it has useful info on nocturnal seizures.

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