Do I deserve respect, or even to live?

I see so many flaws that exist in my life, nothing really ever seems to go right. My self-esteem is obviously non-existent, i feel as if i have any useful skills. I don't really see any benefit that i add to society. I listen to my friends tear me down all day, and I'm beginning to see why they say what they say: I'm ugly, awkward, and i command no respect. In a serious opinion, why do people like me who add nothing deserve the gift of life?


  • Your friends don't sound like very good friends at all. In fact, they may be the reason for your low self-esteem; it's difficult to feel good or happy when there are people constantly tearing you down. Don't listen to these people, find new friends and start doing things that make you happy.

    Take it easy and don't fret too much.

  • Everyone deserves to live. Everyone can add something to society if they try. In complete seriousness, you should seek help. There are hundreds of free places to help. See a psychologist, call a suicide hotline, do SOMETHING. No one deserves to die. Also, those people should not be your friends. Friends do not bully their friends, bullies do. If they say it, its probably not true. The fact that it took you this long to see why they say that means at first you didn't think it was true, and im fairly sure you were right. Things in your life never seem to go right because thats what your looking for. You look for things to go wrong, and when they do you notice it and dont try as hard to fix it the next time. Beleive me, ive been there. Im a negitave person by nature. Seriously, seek some help. Have a professional tell you where your wrong, and set your life straight again. Bullies don't decide if your ugly or if you command respect. They just try to make up for all flaws by making other people looked flawed in comparison.

  • You were put on this earth for a reason. You may not discover it now, in weeks, months, years, but you will. Everyone has a purpose in life. Do not listen to what other people say about you because you're probably a great person. And if your friends call you "ugly" they're obviously not your friends. Friends arent suppose to do that. Talk to a therapist and go to therapy, that will help a lot! Just remember, you deserve life, and you deserve the best!(:

  • Just because you haven't found your reason for being yet doesn't mean there isn't one. Many people spend decades finding their purpose in life. As far as things never going right: when you're down you will feel like you can never get back up. When you're up it's never as good as it seems. It's all about perspective. Start looking at life positively. YouTube Les Brown, he's got some great motivational videos about how to be successful, and beat fear. Don't give up

  • Well, I'm the same way. It's a minor case called depression. To answer your question, you do have a purpose, it may not be big, but it is a purpose. Others may not see you as great and powerful, but you are. You do have useful skills, they just aren't showing yet. All you have to do is keep living. Also, if you're friends are that rude to bring you down, try to find friends that will build you up. It can help with your self esteem and confidence :)

  • Because every one has the meaning of life twisted, there is more to life then what you have or don't, or what you're good at. Maybe you could benifit from Buddhism or western philosophy

  • These clearly are not real friends for starters, and everyone deserves life, we are all here because we descended from strong ancestors who could survive, so we all have some ability in us.

  • Ok u DESERVE to LIVE NO MATTER wat !!! No one is perfect a bunt of pple call me stuff but tbh I don't care because they're just jealous!!&& if its true then change be more active ,be friendly funny louder!!:)no matter who u are a president ,singer,popular kid,shy kid ...guess wat ur gonna get talked about! But I promise the less u care the happier u are!plus u don't need someone dat doesn't need u...find something dat ur good at!!:D

  • Everyone has good things about themselves!! Be good to you :)

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