How do I become a better actress?

I want to act to help me break out of my shell. See, I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder and maybe acting can help cure it.I took a drama class last year in school, but my anxiety kept me from putting emotion into my acting and I forgot my lines. There were also inconsiderate kids that laughed at me because I got red and forgot my lines during a monologue.I don't want anyone to hold me back from doing something that I enjoy, but it's working. I feel useless and like I'm not good at anything because of it. Any tips and advice for confronting my fear and doing what I love?


The thing is I want to act and be an entertainer, not a public speaker.


  • First of all, while I believe wholeheartedly in the power of positive thinking, I also would not want to take the place of some one who is qualified to tell you whether or not acting can help you cure GAD.

    What I will say is that generally, someone can only hold you back if you let them hold you back. They can have that power over you if you give them that power. If you don't allow them to have the power, then it doesn't matter what they say or how much they laugh, they will not be able to keep you from performing well and to the best of your ability.

    Next, you need only reread your next to the last sentence, "I feel useless and like I'm not good at anything because of it." That kind of talk and that kind of thinking is a tremendous help for you to stay down in the dumps and vulnerable.

    You need to switch and start talking to yourself in a positive way!

    I agree with TheatreDoc, that some public speaking could be of help. I have a four step mini-course on my website for new and aspiring actors. You can start with this page though, which has to do with how to overcome stage fright:


    That should be a good start for you.

    Good luck!


  • Try taking a drama class away from school. You will find more supportive people than in a school setting.

    Also, there are many opportunities in the theater that don't require you to be on stage. Join your local community theater and offer to help with painting, props, whatever. As you get to know the group and feel more comfortable, it will be easier to pursue acting roles with the company.

    Good Luck!

  • Public Speaking may be a better choice as it would rely less on memory and be less liable to have hostile listeners. HS students are extra-cruel individuals. Try taking a private acting class or joining Toastmistresses or some other private public speaking class.


    take classes

    try your best

    if you forget your lines wing it, make something ip

    Sorry if this doesn't help

  • Hope this helps!

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