Creative April fools day Facebook pranks?

I already know about the changing your birthday/relationship status and the whole I'm pregnant or I'm moving to another country or I just died or came out of the closet crap. EVERYONE does that kinda stuff and everyone would know that it's fake. I really wanna do something that's more creative and that people would actually fall for, but I can't think of anything!!! Can someone please give me some good ideas? (I'm 14 and a girl if that helps)


Natasha that's a really good idea but believe it or not that actually happened last week and we had no school for the entire week lmao xD so no ones gonna believe me if I said that haha


  • Write on someones wall. Say something like " accidentally sold your kids into slavery". It's like Anti-April Fools Day. Get it?

  • Be like, There is a huge fire at the school & there not gonna have school tomorrow. Haha

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