Why do batteries calcify?
For instance, when you put batteries in a remote and they remain in the device too long, why does it calcify at the ends (creating that flaky white stuff)?
For instance, when you put batteries in a remote and they remain in the device too long, why does it calcify at the ends (creating that flaky white stuff)?
good question ! I know a little about this !
Heres why it happens the batteries are chemical reaction electric current producers a mini transformer so to speak ! The contacts when exposed to humidty intearact with te acidic compounds inside the batteries and they calcify ! Much like terminals on Car batteries corrode but they are wet cell batteries exposed to outdoor weather !
Thats all it is , humidty or moisture happens or they are cheap batteries and will do this all the time ! Or the device is made cheaply and any battery will go funky in time !
Thats why they put lables on devices to remove batteries when you are not using it for long periods of time !