My neighbours dog keeps coming into my backyard!?

My neighbours neighbours dog somehow keeps coming back to our backyard over and over again! I'm sick and tired of the dog, and I have complained to the owner and she is very rude! I have spoken to the animal control and they haven't done anything either. (I've called them twice) I've also blocked the area where it comes from but it keeps coming back by moving the rocks and bricks. I used to keep bird seeds for the birds to eat but since the dog comes I've stopped thinking that's what it wants.... I just honestly don't know what to do! It's been pissing me and my family off and we are sick and tired! It comes to my backyard and start barking non stop! It also does its business (poop & pee!) in please give me a reasonable response.... Also I live in Canada so I can't kill the freaking dog and all houses here are fenced. (dog comes beneath the fence and ways it can squeeze through.)


  • Try throwing around some pepper on the ground. The dog won't like the smell.

  • all of these answers are TERRIBLE!!!!! dont pelt it with a pelot gun then you can still get charged if someone did that to my dog i would sure as hell make sure that they would. And people need to stop and thinking for a second all you guys are saying punish the dog take it to the pound were it will have a very high chance of getting killed and if not that it will live a miserable life. Talk to the fricken owners they are the ones causing the problems because they cant control the dog!!


  • Get a roll of barbed wire and attach that to the bottom of your fence. Now if the dog tries to come under the fence, it will hurt it, and maybe discourage the dog from coming the rest of the way in. Place the wire anyplace there is a gap big enough for the dog to slip in.

    If the neighbor complains that you hurt her dog, tell her she hurt her own dog by not keeping it under control.

  • The next time the dog shows up on your property, keep him there and call animal control, asking them to come and pick up a stray dog that showed up. This isn't the dog's fault - it is purely the negligent owner - but hopefully by having to pay a fine the owners will think twice about not watching their dog.

  • A well-trained dog makes everyone happy, including his owner. Take a little time training him, and you'll never regret it; you'll always have an obedient dog by your side. Go here

    For the potty training: Try taking her out every hour on the hour and don't bring her back inside until she potties! And as soon as she finishes pottying give her a tasty snack and reward and praise her. The best way to potty train is to prevent accidents, so if you can, get some pet scent remover and clean your house from top to bottom. Wal-Mart has some stuff called "OUT! Natural" and it works very well. It smells like lemons and herbs and it also removes stains. Then, if you can, get pee-pee pads. LOTS of them. Line your entire floor with them if you have to securing the seams with scotch tape. Only replace the ones she potties on daily. Leave the rest. After while you can start removing them one at a time until there are only a few left. It sounds complicated but it works. Most people use this trick for small rooms like a bath room or bedroom they have to leave the dog in when they go somewhere. Sooner or later she'll get down to just pottying on one pad, and then you slowly move it a few inches towards your door every day. Then move it outside. You should never punish a puppy for pottying in the house, only prevent it, and reward them for going in the proper place. And don't clean up the mess when they're watching. It's like a mind game for them.

    For the chewing: Get her rawhide toys, bones, Greenies, rope toys, balls, squeaky toys and anything else you find at the store that's made for dogs and she might enjoy. Give her 2 or 3 a day, and rotate them so she only has the same ones for a day or two and she won't get bored with them. I understand you're against physical punishment, but really you should try using a loud newspaper or paper towel roll (that's empty of course), or an envelope with the plastic window thing in it. Just something that makes a lot of noise but doesn't cause pain. I found the envelope works best. Keep a very good eye on her at all times, and when you see he headed for something she shouldn't have tell her NO! If you can stop her before she gets to it that really speeds up the training. If not it's okay, just tell her no, and if she doesn't respond, tell her a second time and follow up with the paper.

    For the crate training: It's best to work on this when you leave the house and no one is around. Doing it at night keeps everyone up and it's just annoying. Put her in the crate, and cover it with an old blanket so she can't see you leaving. When you leave it doesn't matter how much she cries, she'll take the hint that crying won't get her her way. And whatever you do, never ever ever let her out of the crate while she's crying. This enforces the behavior and you'll never get her trained to sit there without crying. If you can't get her to quiet right before you take her out, make a loud noise like clapping your hands and as soon as she's quiet you can let her out.

    I hope it all works out for you... if you need any more help feel free to e-mail me. I can look up some of the sites I got my training info for you. Oh, and Bull Dogs are very stubborn by nature, they take longer than some breeds to catch on to and respond to training.

  • I would tell the owner that if they want to keep their dog they better keep it out of your yard. Then if it comes back. Take it straight to the pound and then walk over the the owners calmly and inform them that they have just lost their dog. Then go home and laugh your head off menially or have a feast or whatever you do to celebrate getting rid of an enemy.

    ~Hope this helped!

  • you can put barbes wire in the hole or you can figure some way to scare it off, like; loud noises what also works is if you have a broom or rake just hit it against the cement and it will scare it off, or i've heard rumors about dogs or cats not liking the noise of rolled-up newspaper and slapping it against you hand you can also throw things at it just to scare it off.

  • Well here you can shoot the dog, so I just told the neighbor next time I see it over here I will shoot it Never saw it again

  • Pop it with a pelt gun. Get some pet deterrent to put around your yard or catch the dog and take it to the pound.

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