yahoo mail does not open?
When I sign into mail, like I normally do, the mail does not open up for the second day now, but the browser displays a window saying it cannot display a webpage. Why? However, when I go onto the yahoo homepage, the little mail window displays my messages (once I roll the mouse over), but I cannot get to my mail. Can somebody help?
If you look around at all the questions, you will see Yahoo is having problems in the mail site, no one can get into it, and there has been no explanation for it. All you can do is keep trying, they have been upgrading and maintence on their sites lately, causing problems everywhere.
It's happening to everyone - it's a problem related to the new Firefox update that happened today (7/2). I went to Mozilla's homepage and downloaded their "ABP" ad blocker for free. Then I went to "Preferences" and added the stupid jsworthathousandwords to the filter. Now my mail works fine!
I was online chatting with yahoo - they say it's a browser (Firefox) error, not their error. So that's why Internet Explorer works and Firefox doesn't.
Time to change from yahoo mail--enough is enough